Sand Land Everything You Need To Know So Far

“Sand Land” is a manga series created by Legendary Akira Toriyama [R.I.P], the mastermind behind “Dragon Ball.” Set in a post-apocalyptic world, it revolves around a desert landscape where water has become a precious commodity. The story unfolds in a kingdom ruled by a king who monopolizes the remaining water sources, leading to widespread suffering among the rest of the world.The storyline follows Sheriff Rao, a former general. Rao is sympathetic to the struggles of the people and dreams of finding a solution to their water crisis. His journey takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Beelzebub, a demon of the desert. They both form a partnership driven by a common goal, which was to locate a new water supply and liberate the kingdom from the king’s unfair rule.Throughout their adventure, Rao and Beelzebub face numerous challenges, including big dams made by king to control the limited water reserves and encounters with dangerous creatures in the desert. Along the way, they are joined by a diverse cast of characters, each with their own motivations and secrets.Despite its serious themes of environmental degradation and oppression, “Sand Land” maintains Toriyama’s signature blend of action, humor, and adventure. The series is characterized by its imaginative world building, dynamic artwork, and engaging characters making it a compelling read for fans of Toriyama’s work and newcomers alike.

Sand Land Release Date

“Sand Land” was first introduced in Weekly Shonen Jump from May 2000 to July 2000. It was later compiled into a single volume, which was released in Japan on December 13, 2000. At long last in 2024 the SANDLAND manga finally got its anime adaption, [ Where to Watch Sand Land ] It is officially released on Disney+Hotstar and Hulu. Season 1 release dates –

20 March, 2024The story of the Fiend Prince : Departure
20 March, 2024The story of the Fiend Prince : The Royal Army’s Secret
20 March, 2024The story of the Fiend Prince : A Man Called Legend
20 March, 2024The story of the Fiend Prince : Beyond the Sandstorm
20 March, 2024The story of the Fiend Prince :The Terrifying Insect Men
20 March, 2024The story of the Fiend Prince :The Fiend Beelzebub
20 March, 2024The story of the Angel Hero : On to a New Adventure
27 March, 2024The story of the Angel Hero : Operation: Sneak Into the Capital
3 April, 2024The story of the Angel Hero : Fiend Power
10 April, 2024The story of the Angel Hero : Muniel’s Urn
17 April, 2024The story of the Angel Hero : Flying Fortress Garam
24 April, 2024The story of the Angel Hero : The Final Battle

The Anime version was just launched few days before the death of its original creator.The first season official ended on 24th April, 2024 along with manga completion. Since the creator “Akira Toriyama” is no longer between us, so there is no information whether we will see its continuation in future.

Sandland: Characters List

In “Sand Land,” aside from the main characters Sheriff Rao, Beelzebub, and Thief, there are various supporting characters and antagonists such as:

  1. Mayor Gas
  2. Belial
  3. Epsilon
  4. The President
  5. Balbas
  6. Harshu
  7. Sodom
  8. The King
  9. The King’s Adviser
  10. ‘Others’ including citizens, soldiers, and other inhabitants of the desert world.

Is Sand land Connected To Dragon Ball ?

Is Sand land Connected To Dragon Ball ?

After watching the Dragon Ball anime series many people came up with the question in mind Is Sand land Related To Dragon Ball, the answer is “NO“. We have seen the presence of “Arale” from Dr.Slump in Dragon Ball, the character and looks were same but that doesn’t signify any relationship. The only reason people feel connection is because of Akira Toriyama’s lazy drawings for character. And he himself admitted this thing in his interview.

is Sand Land Good ?

It is generally well-regarded by fans of Akira Toriyama’s work. Its praised for its creative world building, interesting characters, and themes of adventure and environmentalism. If you like those first arcs from Dragon Ball (that have Pilaf and Red Ribbon as antagonists), you are definitely going to love this series. The anime adaption is only 12 episodes long, which will take less than 5 hours to cover the masterpiece of Toriyama. However, like any story, opinions on its story can vary from person to person. If you enjoy Toriyama’s style and love to see a desert world searching for water then “Sand Land” could be considered as must watch.