The Big Mom Pirates are a powerful pirate crew in the One Piece series led by the fearsome Big Mom, also known as Charlotte Linlin. Based in Totto Land, they control an archipelago of islands where each island is ruled by one of Big Mom’s many children. The crew is known for its immense strength, with members possessing unique Devil Fruit abilities and strong combat skills.They’ve clashed with other major pirate crews and government forces throughout the series, making them one of the most formidable characters in the world of One Piece. The Dream was to create a land where all species from all over the world can live together.
Lets have a look at pirates from Big Mom’s Crew
Due to the vast number of Big Mom pirates and the limited information available on many of them, creating a definitive top 20 power ranking is challenging. However, here’s a possible list considering confirmed powers, portrayal in the story, and influence within the crew:
Top Tier [Extremely Powerful]
- Katakuri (2nd Son): Due to the power of Mochi Mochi no Mi (Mochi-Mochi Fruit) it grant him the ability to create, control, and transform into mochi at will. He is also a master of Observation Haki, enabling him to see slightly into the future, makes him a formidable opponent even for top-tier characters by giving him a significant advantage in combat.
- Smoothie (14th Daughter): Her Shibo Shibo no Mi (Wring-Wring Fruit) allows her to wring out liquids from anything she touches, including living beings. This ability makes her a formidable opponent in battle, as she can drain the strength and fluids from her adversaries.
- Perospero (1st Son): His Pero Pero no Mi (Candy-Candy Fruit) grants him versatility, creating powerful candy weapons and constructs that can restrict movement and deal significant damage. He can use this power for both offensive and defensive purposes by creating anything at his will.
- Oven (4th Son): The immense heat manipulation from his Netsu Netsu no Mi (Heat-Heat Fruit) makes him a destructive force. He can raise the temperature of his surroundings to extreme levels, making him a formidable adversary in battle, especially against opponents with weaker endurance.
- Daifuku (3rd Son): The Pero Pero no Mi (Smooth-Smooth Fruit) allows him to summon and control a powerful genie from his body, which he can command to attack his enemies. The genie is incredibly strong and can be a challenging opponent to overcome.
2nd Tier [Powerful]
- Cracker (10th or 15th Son): The seemingly endless army of durable biscuit soldiers from his Bishoku Bishoku no Mi (Biscuit-Biscuit Fruit) presents a major challenge. Biscuit soldiers are not only formidable in combat but also serve as an effective defense mechanism. His biscuits are incredibly durable, requiring immense strength or skilled Haki users to overcome.
- Snack (Minister of Forests): Though details are scarce, his position and portrayal suggest considerable strength, especially within Totto Land.
- Compote (Minister of Fruit) : Her devil fruit is not revealed yet. She almost looks like her mother and posses same body features. The reason for putting her on this list is that she is able to withstand Big Mom’s Haoshoku Haki , while others get unconscious.
- Galette (Minister of Butter) : She can control butter because of (Bata Bata no Mi Fruit) . She can freeze her opponent or make them slippery so they cant control their body.
- Amande (2nd Daughter): Known for her physical strength and fighting.
- Opera (Minister of Milk) : Similar to Compote and Galette, his potential Milk-Milk no Mi (Milk-Milk Fruit) could offer interesting combat applications based on fan theories. He also holds the title of Minister of Whipped Cream suggesting he governs an area within Totto Land associated with whipped cream production.
3rd Tier – [Less Powerful]
- Judge (Minister) : Though details are scarce, his position might indicate considerable strength.
- Citron (Minister) : Similar to Judge, his position suggests potential strength.• Praline: She is the tallest child of Big Mom, she could be powerful in some sense otherwise Aladine ( Sun Pirates ) wouldn’t accept her in their crew.
- Flampe : She holds the position of an officer, though not a top fighter, her Devil Fruit (unspecified) might offer some offensive or utility.
- Lola (Chiffon’s twin): Her Kuku Kuku no Mi (Mirror-Mirror Fruit) offers interesting possibilities for maneuverability and potentially offensive tactics.
- Jigra (Guard Captain): As the captain of the guards, Jigra likely possesses significant combat skills.
4th Tier – [Weak]
- Charlotte Basskarte : Possesses some fighting ability, but details are limited.
- Hachee (3rd Daughter): Hachée is a snake-human hybrid. She is also an officer of the Big Mom Pirates.
- Sheepshead (Minister of Right-Hand Man): A mink and Big Mom’s close advisor.
- Tamago (Minister of Left-Hand Man): Big Mom’s second-in-command before his “death.”
- Pekoms (Minister of Sowing): A mink pirate subordinate to Big Mom.
At the top of the Big Mom pirate pyramid sits Big Mom herself, Charlotte Linlin. Ruling with an iron fist and her Soru Soru no Mi (Soul Soul Fruit) grants her dominion over souls and fuels her reign of terror. Following closely behind is Katakuri, the second son, feared for his mastery of the Mochi Mochi no Mi (Mochi Mochi Fruit) and his Observation Haki. Smoothie, the fourteenth daughter, utilizes the terrifying Shibo Shibo no Mi (Wring Wring Fruit) to dehydrate opponents with a touch. These three stand as the most prominent figures, but beneath them lies a web of powerful siblings. Perospero, the first son, commands respect with his versatile candy creations from the Pero Pero no Mi (Candy Candy Fruit). Oven, the fourth son, unleashes devastating heat with his Netsu Netsu no Mi (Heat Heat Fruit) while Daifuku, the third son, utilizes the slippery power of the Pero Pero no Mi (Smooth Smooth Fruit) to control and restrain. Cracker, another son, boasts an endless army of durable warriors thanks to his Bishoku Bishoku no Mi (Biscuit Biscuit Fruit). Beyond these core members lies a vast network of children with a total of 85 children in Big Moms Family. Ranking from 50 years old Perospero (Eldest Child) to Charlotte Anana (Youngest Child) . Powers, strength and devil fruit of many children are not shown, which marks their position unknown.